Logo Design and Branding
Logo Design and Branding unveiling
For Green Home Solutions, Crivello Signs put together an overall creative design extending their existing logo design and branding.
Although their logo design and branding existed as part of the franchise, Crivello Signs added a few things to help Adam Niden, the Norwood Green Home Solutions owner, be original to the area and add some personality.
Our marketing strategy was
- to modify their existing logo design and branding
- extend logo and branding by creating print design for door hangers and business cards
- extend logo and branding by designing vehicle lettering and graphics
Modified existing logo design and branding
We started with the logo of the frog, and thought how about adding a tongue lashing out to devour and eliminate the mosquito. Now this tells a story!
The wording started out with ‘Mold & Mosquito Terminators’ and we added the ‘The Safe Way to Spray. ….Norfolk County’. This helps Adam tell potential customers they spray with the environment in mind and define his territory. We used red to match the tongue and location to highlight the action(terminating the mosquito) of location of their target area.
Next, we prepared the branding for print. The door hangers carry over the new logo at the bottom and add the fact that they kill ticks and mosquitos.
Finally, we take the logo to the vehicle. Now there’s a lot of real estate on the van for additional advertising here. We have 2 full sides and the back of the van. We blew up the size of the logo, added a special place toward the back of each side for a phone number large enough to see from at least 100 feet, and added images of other insects that are terminated.

Highlight your brand with Effective Print Design
Your print marketing materials are the only remnants of your company left behind after a meeting. Ensure your collateral makes the lasting impression you want and provides the best representation of your overall professional image.
Our print collateral and graphic design experts work with your team to develop, design and print the highest quality work that clearly communicates your branding and messaging to potential clients and partners.
From business card and brochure design to creating trade show displays and catalogues, our team provides a wide array of print services that will establish your company’s brand.
- Business Cards
- Brochures
- Post Cards
- Trade Show Displays
- Tshirts
Crivello Signs, Inc. has solutions for any application and budget. We are your creative sign design specialists. Our specialty is vehicle lettering and graphics for companies with fleets of any size.
For a Free, no obligation Sign Design Consultation and quote, call us today at 781-769-4478 OR visit us at www.crivellosigns.com.